US politics is so complex that it negates itself. In an election, candidates are only allowed a certain amount of money to spend on their campaign and donations from supporters are also capped. These are one of the guardrails and regulations set up to avoid election manipulation. Sure! HOWEVER, because it's a free country where citizens have their rights to free speech and can INDEPENDENTLY support or oppose certain candidate(s) without their approval as they are at-will supporters, it is, technically, legal. Then we have so many billionaires who can spend outrageous amounts of money to support whoever they wanted in office. Of course they can tilt the balance and influence the election results! Why do they do this, you ask? Well, it's to lobby their businesses and grab these candidates by the balls. It sounds dark and greedy, right? Sure! But what's the solution, you may ask? Stop them from supporting their candidates independently because they can influence the results? But then again going back to being a free country where citizens can freely and independently exercise their rights, they did nothing wrong. Kapuy ani nila. Haha